Fixed the flash of Facebook Like button

Facebook Like button has a problem of flashing since day one. The reason is simple: facebook needs time to load the button. Fix is easy. Set visibility property to “hidden” and change it to “visible” in onload event. The reason of using visibility instead of display (firstly set to none and then block) is that visibility does not affect layout while display could change the position of text below Like button.

Added “flogs”

Added a new category, “flogs”, which stands for “fast blogs”. I have this initiative because writing a full blog has become a longer process. Not only long for writing, but also preventing me from posting fresh words. So “flogs” is created, not emphasizing on thorough things, just trying to be “agile”. Articles in “flogs” won’t be included in “Blogs” as they are not real focuses. “Flogs” are not “twitters” as there is no limitation on length.